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Add a Complete Step On Date

Create a track complete step on specific date to ensure everyone in a track progresses to the next track step at the same time.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or a Track Admin to do this.
Adding a complete step on date ensures that everyone within the track moves to the next step of the track at the same time. You can use this for when you want to queue people up and move them all at once. For example, in the summer you can gather information on what small groups people are interested in, and then on a specific date you can announce that those groups are now open for registration.
  1. Click Tracks > Tracks.
  2. Click the track you want to edit.
  3. Click Steps.
  4. Click Edit Steps.
  5. Click the Conditions tab.
  6. Drag and drop the Specific Date conditional to the step you want to add the date to.
  7. Specify the date to complete the step on in the corresponding field.
    Warning: Adding a specific date to a step will cancel any communication actions that have not been sent.
  8. Click Save.
    You will be brought back to the track conditions screen.
  9. Click Save.