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Send a Mass Communication

Send a message to specific people on a track at one time.

  • You must be a Growth Method administrator or a Track Admin to do this.
Select multiple people within a track to send an email or text. For example, you can send a reminder email to women that haven't RSVP-ed for the next women's ministry meeting without sending an unnecessary email to those who've already responded.
  1. Click Tracks > Tracks.
  2. Click the track.
  3. Click People.
  4. Select the check boxes that correspond to the people you want to send the mass communication to.
  5. Click Message.
    The leader list with two people selected. The message button is outlined in red at the top left.
  6. Select whether you want to send the message as a text message or an email.
  7. Enter your message in the corresponding message box.
  8. Click Send to [number selected] people.
The mass communication is sent from the track's leader and becomes part of the person's activity on the track.