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Updating Wage Information for an Hourly Employee

Updating employee wage information for year-end.

You can update wage information for an hourly employees. For hourly employees, minute calculations are based on 100. For example, 7 hours and 15 minutes is 7.25.
  1. Under Manage Records, click the Records tab, then select Add/Edit Employees in the drop-down list, and click Go .
  2. Select the employee and click Edit.
  3. On the Pay tab, in the Rate field, enter the new dollar amount that the employee is paid per hour and press ENTER.
  4. Continue pressing ENTER until the Rate field in the Pay Type window is highlighted.
  5. Enter the new dollar amount that the employee is paid per hour and click OK.
  6. If the employee is paid from more than one pay type or cost center, highlight the next pay line and repeat step #5.
  7. Click OK again.
  8. If you have saved time sheet batches, a message displays asking if you want to update saved payroll batch records. Click Yes.
  9. Click in the Rate field and enter the new dollar amount that the employee is paid per hour.
  10. Click OK.
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