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Updating Sick Time at Year-end

You can update sick time at year-end.

At the beginning of the year, you may want to add sick time to employee records. You can also view an employee's current time off totals and time taken in the Time Off Totals grid.
Note: If you defined additional time off pay types (such as medical leave) in Define Lists, you can add and edit time for those pay types as well. Follow the procedures for entering sick or vacation time, but select the user-defined pay type instead.
  1. Under Manage Records, in the Enter Name field, enter the individual's last name.
  2. Press ENTER.
  3. If necessary, select the correct record in the Find Individual window, then click Use Selected. If the individual has multiple records, select the correct record type in the list, then click OK.
  4. Click on the Time Off tab.
  5. To enter accrual information:
    • In the Time Off Totals grid, select Accrual Rates and click Add.
    • In the Time Off Type drop-down list, select Sick.
    • Enter the Start Date, Rate, Unit, and Period, then click Ok.
  6. To enter sick leave already taken:
    • In the Time Off Totals grid, select Time Taken, then click Add.
    • In the Time Off Type drop-down list, select Sick.
    • Enter the Start Date, Rate, and Unit, then click Ok.
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