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View Resource Bookings

The Timeline is the default view of the Bookings window.

The Timeline view is detailed: it shows resource bookings by the half-hour. It is especially helpful for viewing multiple resources at once. You can also view bookings by day, week, or month.

If an event is dependent upon a specific resource, you can see when the resource is available. For example, you might need to see when the church van is available to take the Sr. High Youth Group to a retreat. In the Bookings view, you can select the van in the list of resources. This shows you all the events that the van is booked for, as well as the times it is available.

In the Bookings view, you can create events and book resources for them. To create an event, in the Actions group, click Add Event. When you create an event, the resource(s) currently selected is automatically booked for the event.

  1. On the Calendar tab, click Bookings.
  2. In the Resources list, select the resource(s) you want to view. You can expand and collapse items in the list of resources, and the program saves your changes.
    1. To display inactive resources, select Show Inactive Resources. Inactive resources are denoted by an asterisk (*).
    2. To clear all resources, right-click anywhere in the list and click Clear All.
    3. To select all resources, right-click anywhere in the list and click Select All.
    4. To clear all resources in a category, right-click within the category and click Clear All in Category.
    5. To select all resources in a category, right-click within the category and click Select All in Category.
  3. Above the calendar, select Day, Week, Month, or Timeline.

Events with the booked resource display. The times displayed are the total time that the resource is booked, including setup and teardown time. All events that have booked the resource display, no matter their status (pending, confirmed, and so on).

If an event requires more than one resource, you can view multiple resources at once and find a time when they are all available.

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