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Reset your Password

If you forget your ACS Facility Scheduler password, you can reset it in the login window.

If you reset your password and your ACS Facility Scheduler user account is linked to your Access ACS account, the password changes for both accounts.
  1. Open ACS Facility Scheduler
  2. Click Forgot your password?.
  3. Enter your email or username, then click Send E-mail.

An e-mail with instructions and a link for resetting your password is sent to the e-mail address associated with your user name. The link is only valid for 24 hours. After 24 hours, you must follow these instructions again to have a new reset e-mail sent.

You should receive the e-mail within 15 minutes. If you don't, check your spam/junk folder for the e-mail. If all else fails, contact one of your ACS Facility Scheduler administrators to have them reset your password.

If you entered incorrect passwords five or more times, your account is locked.

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