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Add Locations

Locations are resources you can book for events. They can include rooms, buildings, facilities, or outdoor areas. You can combine locations into suites of rooms.

After you create a location, it can be reserved (booked) for an event. When a location is booked for an event, and subsequently confirmed, it can't be booked for another event scheduled for the same time period.

  1. On the Administration tab, click Resources.
  2. In the Actions group, click Add Resources.
  3. In the Resource Type drop-down list, select Location.
  4. Enter the Name of the location.
  5. In the Resource Category list, select the category the item belongs to. If you don't have an appropriate category, click + to add a new category.
  6. In the Setup Time field, enter an estimated setup time, in hours and minutes. This is the default setup time for the item. It can be different for each event.
  7. In the Teardown Time field, enter an estimated teardown time, in hours and minutes. This is the default teardown time for the item. It can be different for each event.
  8. Enter additional information as necessary.
  9. Select Restrict access to resource for certain users if you do not want the item available to all users.
  10. In the Actions group, click Save and Close.