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Participant Engagement Routine

The Participant Engagement routine updates the Participant Engagement field on the Participant record nightly. You can then use this value in any user-defined views (queries).

Note: Your instance may use the term Member instead of Participant.

Participant Record

Other hidden fields are also set on the Participant record by the engagement routine that might be useful, including:

  • Participants > Recent Events: People with attendance in the past 90 days (based on event participant records) with Event Types included (Omit set to No). As for the Events and attendance, it is ANY event with 02 Registered, 03 Attended, or 04 Confirmed in the past 90 days.
  • Participants > Is Leading: People who are currently active in the Group (null or future end date on the group participant record) and has a Group Role Type of Leader.
  • Participants > Is Serving: People who are currently active in the Group (null or future end date on the group participant record) and has a Group Role Type of Leader or Servant.
  • Participants > In Group Life: People who are currently active in the Group (no end date on the group participant record) with Group Types included (Omit set to No).
  • Households > Last Activity: Any person within the Household's last date of activity (including giving, responses, pledging, attendance, or in a group).

Participant Engagement Values

The Participant Engagement routine looks at Participant activity to determine the degree to which someone is engaged. Values (found in System Lookups > Participant Engagement) are defined as:

  • Fully Engaged: Group Participation AND Serving/Leading AND EITHER Individual Attendance (including registrations) OR giving (by the participant or their spouse) in the past 90 days.
    Note: Group Participation refers to a participant with a Group Participant record associated with a current group having a Group Type where Omit From Engagement Group Life is No (0).

    Serving/Leading refers to a Participant with a Group Participant record with a Group Role assigned as a Servant or Leader Role Type. See Creating Groups and Define Group Roles for more information.

  • Partially Engaged: Group Participation OR Serving/Leading OR individual attendance (including registration) OR giving (by the participant or their spouse) in the past 90 days.
  • Observing: Some individual or household activity in the past 90 days, but not enough to qualify as partially or fully engaged.
  • Lapsing: Contact Status of Active, Temporarily Away, or Homebound, but no individual or household activity in 90 days.
  • Lapsed: Contact Status of inactive, OR Contact Status of Deceased, OR there is no individual or household activity in the past 180 days.
Tip: Want to see this in action? Check out the Participants - Engagement webinar in the MinistrySmart Academy!

Exclude Certain Activity From Engagement

  • Group Types: Set Omit From Engagement Group Life to Yes to remove this Group Type from being considered by the engagement routine.
  • Event Types: Set Omit From Engagement Event Attendance to Yes to remove this Event Type from being considered by the engagement routine.
  • Programs: Set Omit From Engagement Giving to Yes to remove this Program (Giving) from being considered by the engagement routine. Giving is based on Household (or Donor if not in Household). For best performance, set SERVICES, AddHouseholdDonationDates Configuration Setting to Yes.

Updates to these values are not reflected until the routine runs again at night.

See the Included in Participant Engagement views (and if needed, the NOT in view toggle) on each of these pages to aid in review and management.

Note: This was previously known as a Movement Routine. If you have a custom "movement routine" on your system, you can continue using it. Contact Support to discuss Professional Services to move from a custom one to the standard one OR to customize this new standard feature.
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