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Household Updates Routine

The Household Updates routine populates values in several tables. It runs nightly (or early morning) as one of the Daily routines. Then, use these values in any user-defined views (queries).

Household Record

The routine updates several read-only fields on the Household record.

  • First Donation (Date): First Donation is initially disabled through the SERVICES, AddHouseholdDonationDates Configuration Setting. Set the value to Yes to enable the routine to update this date. To hide this value from some individuals, create a security role with a field restriction on this field on the Household record and assign that security role to one or more users who might otherwise have access to the Household record.
  • Last Donation (Date): Last Donation is initially disabled through the SERVICES, AddHouseholdDonationDates Configuration Setting. Set the value to Yes to enable the routine to update this date. To hide this value from some individuals, create a security role with a field restriction on this field on the Household record and assign that security role to one or more users who might otherwise have access to the Household record.
  • Last Activity (Date)
  • Congregation ID (Foreign Key): This is off by default. It is only updated if the field is empty. Contact Support to enable this field.
  • Household Source ID (Foreign Key): This is off by default. It is only updated if the field is empty. Contact Support to enable this field.

Donor Record

The routine updates several read-only fields on the Donor record.

  • First Donation (Date)
  • Last Donation (Date)

Participants Record

The routine updates several read-only fields on the Participants record.

  • Background Check Type: The name of the last background check package selected for this individual. Manual is the default if there is no package.
  • Background Check Date (Date): The date the last background check was returned, or if incomplete, when it was started.
  • Background Check Status: The status of the last background check based on the value for the All Clear field and how much time has elapsed since Background Check Returned.
  • First Attendance Ever: The first time attendance was recorded for this individual.
  • Second Attendance Ever: The second time attendance was recorded for this individual.
  • Third Attendance Ever: The third time attendance was recorded for this individual.
  • Last Attendance Ever: The most recent time attendance was recorded for this individual.

Group Participant Record

The routine updates several read-only fields on the Group Participant record.

  • First Attendance: The first time attendance was recorded for this individual.
  • Second Attendance: The second time attendance was recorded for this individual.
  • Last Attendance: The most recent time attendance was recorded for this individual.
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