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Your App

PocketPlatform was built from the ground up to provide a rich, customized, and engaging app experience for your congregation.

  • App Branding: We'll create your app using the App Branding form you provided. Consistent, branded images make your app look great!

  • Your Hardcoded Information: We'll make sure the right information displays in your app. You can always change this later, if needed.

  • Testing Your App: Access a Beta version of your app so you can test it out before anyone sees it! Join our testing program.

  • Releasing Your App: So your app is ready to go? Here's what happens next!

  • Promoting Your App: Once your app is available in the app store, promote it to engage your congregation.

  • Images: Attach images to your events, groups, and opportunities in the Platform and make your app the best it can be.

  • Analytics: Once your app is in use, keep tabs on how it's doing so you can celebrate wins and plan next steps.

  • Devices: Learn about the types of devices your congregation is using to access the app.

A Few Notes

For the best experience, avoid large font and display sizes. If app users adjust their device's settings to use the largest size, PocketPlatform may not display certain layouts very well.

Your PocketPlatform app displays hard-coded elements (like menu items, headers, buttons, etc.) in the language selected on an individual's device. We support Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, and English. Note that the actual content of your app (like event descriptions, dashboard content, etc.) still uses the language you entered it in using the Platform.

Want your PocketPlatform app to be available internationally? Contact Support and them know which countries outside the United States should be allowed to access your app.

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