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Our Services and Websites

ACS Technologies Group, Inc., and its affiliates, their officers, directors, employees, or agents (collectively referred to as "ACST") creates software solutions to help churches, schools, and organizations fulfill their missions. You may be a visitor ("Visitor") to our websites ("Websites") or a customer ("Customer" or "Licensee") who purchased or is using our products and services (collectively, "Services").

We have a direct relationship with Customers that have created an account or a site with us and pay for our Services (e.g. denominational alliances, diocese, organizations, churches, parishes). These Customers may share licensed access to their account or site with authorized churches, organizations, or individuals. They are all considered our Customers, but we have different responsibilities to those with whom we have direct relationships. We'll specify when we're referring to particular kinds of Customers, otherwise we'll refer to "you" generally.

Our Services include a variety of desktop and web-based software solutions and corporate Websites. Our Services are designed to help our Customers manage administrative duties, provide demographic data to plan for growth, and communicate with each other in a secure, online environment (e.g. chat, messaging, email, or by sharing posts and events).

ACST is proud of the software, images, videos, typefaces, graphics, music, sounds and other material (collectively "ACST Intellectual Property and Content") we produce and we have a great deal of respect for content that belongs to others. Please take the time to review our Terms of Service and Intellectual Privacy Policy policies to learn when you can share ACST Intellectual Property and Content while using our Services.

This is a non-exhaustive list of ACST Products, Services, and Websites.


Website name



Corporate website


This is our corporate website, the main place to learn about ACST and our products.

Corporate blog


This is the ACST Corporate blog website.

ACS Client Portal

PDS Client Portal

HeadMaster Client Portal




Customer login is required for information about their account and their Services. Any page that relates to a Customer's sensitive, personal data is on a secure https:// page and requires authentication.

ACST Help Centerhttps://help.acst.com

This is a collection of help articles, short video, printable guides, or other media designed to help customers self-serve or troubleshoot common tasks when using our software. Customers can also learn about the latest releases or find conceptual and reference information. It includes our Trust Center as well.

Realm Resources


This is a resource site for customers who are in the Realm rollout process. They have access to guides, assets to present to church members, tutorial videos for their website, and to get in touch with a Realm

Realm Self-Guided Tour


Promotional video library that illustrates Realm's capabilities.

Real Ministry


This is a Realm demonstration website.

Real Ministry Catholic


This is a Realm demonstration website for Catholic clients.

Ministry Impact Resources


This site is for our customers and other churches to use as a resource for their ministries.



This site provides faith-based analytics and demographics for churches and non-profits.

Ministry Shield


ACST partnered with Verified First to create a background check solution for churches.

Forms & Supplies


ACST store offers forms and supplies to help your software and hardware needs.

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