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Sacraments Dashboard

See sacrament activity for your churchat a glance.


Sacrament Setup and Permissions Required.

You must have sacraments set up in Realm.

You'll need the Edit Individual permission. See Responsibilities for more information.

In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Reporting > Dashboards. Click the Sacraments tab to see statistics on sacrament records. The Administered Sacraments section provides a quick "at a glance" overview of the total number of sacraments. The Administered Sacraments of Previous 3 Years section gives a historical summary, allowing you to see trends over time. The Administered Sacraments by Age section can help you see if and when youth and adults are progressing through their religious education.

If a sacrament was entered without a day of the month, Realm assumes it was administered on the first day of the month recorded. If there is also no month, Realm assumes January 1 of the year recorded. These assumed dates are used for reporting only. Dates on individual sacrament records remain as they were entered.

To adjust your sacraments setup or change what "sacraments" are called in Realm, go to Profiles > Settings, and click the Sacraments or Ordinances tab.

Filtering the Data

You can select a date range in each section. In the graphs, click a sacrament or year label to remove it from graph. Click it again to show it. Hovering your mouse over data points provides additional detail. For the Administered Acts by Age graph, click Customize age ranges to change the age ranges for the sacraments. The default ranges are 0-17, 18-24, 25-39, 40-59, and 60-79.

Sacrament dashboard showing the clickable areas: sacrament totals, sacrament labels, and the date range filter button

Sacrament Total Details

Click a sacrament totals number to dive into the details of each sacrament. You'll see a list of profiles that make up the statistic. By default, the list is sorted by last name, but you can click a column header to sort by it. Note that profiles without a listed age display at the top when sorting from youngest to oldest.