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Pin a Post or Event to the Group Newsfeed

Pin a post or even to the top of a group newsfeed.

Permissions Required

Only available to group leaders.

When you create a new post or event, you can pin that post to the top of the group's newsfeed. This helps to highlight this content and makes it the first information that group members see when they view their feed. You can use this for important announcements or for information all group members need to know.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Connect. Then click Groups.
  2. Click the group's name.
  3. Click Send Communication and select whether to create a post, photo post or event.
  4. To pin the post or event at the top of the group newsfeed, click the pin icon in the top right corner.
  5. Complete the post or event, then click Post. You will now see the post or event pinned to the top of the group's newsfeed.