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Set up Giving Number Reassignment

Set up a pending reassignment and print a CSV of your giving numbers.

Prepare the giving numbers that will be reassigned to congregants who need them. Once that's done, you can run your pending reassignment at any time. Your giving number settings do not affect reassignment.
Note: If you refer to giving numbers by a different name and have made changes to reflect it, that name will replace "Giving Numbers" everywhere. For more information on how to customize this, see Customize Existing Profile Fields.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Settings.
  2. On the Giving Numbers tab, click Reassign Giving Numbers.
  3. Select the custom query that contains the list of congregants with numbers you want to reassign.
  4. Optional: Select whether or not you want to clear numbers from excluded profiles.
    Note: Skip this option if you want to keep numbers that are already in use during the reassignment.
  5. Enter a starting number.
    Note: This can but does not have to match the first number in sequence from your settings.
  6. Enter the range of numbers to exclude from the reassignment.
  7. Click Save Reassignment & CSV.
    Note: This report is only available for 190 days.

    A CSV of your pending numbers automatically downloads, and you can run your reassignment at any time.