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Reassign Giving Numbers

Assign giving numbers to multiple congregants.

Run a reassignment to divvy out your giving numbers to all congregants that need one. Your giving number settings do not affect reassignment.
Note: If you refer to giving numbers by a different name and have made changes to reflect it, that name will replace "Giving Numbers" everywhere. For more information on how to customize this, see Customize Existing Profile Fields.
  1. In the top-left corner, click your ministry hub then Realm. Then click Giving > Settings.
  2. Click the Giving Numbers tab.
  3. Optional: If you need to download and review the CSV of your pending giving numbers, click Export CSV.
    Note: This report is only available for 190 days.
  4. If the new numbers on your CSV are correct, click Run Reassignment.
    CAUTION: If you choose to replace existing numbers, only the reassignment report will contain a record of old numbers.
    A confirmation displays.
  5. To confirm, click Yes, Run Reassignment.