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January 24, 2024

View new features and enhancements released on January 24, 2024.

Account Inquiry

Don't get short with me! When you run an inquiry, the full name of the core account displays above the Account fields instead of the short name.

Payroll Runs

Run payroll without adjustments. We've added the option to not apply adjustments while running payroll. This is helpful when adjustments aren't necessary, like for bonus checks or retroactive corrections to an employee's paycheck.

Start a Run window showing a checkbox for Do not apply Adjustments

Payroll - Georgia State Tax

Georgia has new state tax filing parameters. Click Employees > Taxes for any employee with a Georgia state tax, and review the filing status to ensure that it's correct. Married Filing Separate has been combined with Married Filing Joint, both spouses working.

Payroll - Washington Taxes

Washington employees have a new paid family and medical leave tax. When a job or adjustment features taxable SUTA wages, the employee's portion of this tax is withheld. For more information, visit https://paidleave.wa.gov.

Washington's long-term care insurance tax is calculated similarly. When a job or adjustment features taxable SUTA wages, the employee's portion of this tax is withheld.

Edit Job window showing the Taxable section with SUTA included