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Remove Masses from Scheduling

To remove a mass from the scheduling process, make the mass inactive. Inactive masses are still visible within the program and can optionally be included on reports, but they are ignored by the scheduling process.

  1. On the Information tab, click Masses > Primary Information.
  2. Locate the appropriate record.
  3. Select the Inactive checkbox.
  4. At the top, click Save.

Replace a Mass

You can set a special mass to replace a permanent mass that occurs during the same time.

  1. On the Information tab, click Masses > Primary Information.
  2. Locate the record of the special mass.
  3. In the Replaces field, select the permanent mass. This is the mass that should not occur when the special mass is scheduled to take place at the same time.
  4. At the top, click Save.

The permanent mass will not be scheduled during the time the special mass occurs.

Remove/Replace Mass Example

Let's say the administrator added a Special Sunrise Easter Mass at 6:30 AM that conflicts with the normal Sunday morning 7:00 AM Mass. On Easter Sunday, she cancels the 7:00 AM Mass.

  • If the mass is marked inactive, the scheduler does not assign ministers to the 7:00 AM Mass.
  • If the mass is active, the scheduler assigns ministers to the 7:00 AM Mass, and ministers are assigned to the permanent mass even if a special mass conflicts.

In this example, do not delete the 7:00 AM mass to prevent it from being scheduled on Easter Sunday with the intention of adding it again the following week.

If you delete a mass, you break the association between the minister preferences and the now non-existent mass, so the preferences in all the ministers' records are deleted. Entering a new mass the following week does not restore the preferences.