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11.2B Release

If you're part of the Preferred Client Program, you can download the latest desktop version in the Client Portal.

PDS Ledger/Payroll 11.2B, releasing for desktop and OnDemand 1-7-25, offers the following enhancements.

New and Improved Features

Tax Updates
  • We made required changes to federal and state tax tables for 2025. We'll continue to update state tables as we receive them.
    Note: Some states require program changes, as noted in the tax table documentation, under State Tax Table Information. Please check your state(s) before loading the tax table update.
  • We updated the W-2 Export based on the Social Security Administration's specifications.

  • Visit the IRS website for more information on tax changes. For help on PDS tax procedures, see 2025 Tax Information.

  • Want an in-depth understanding of form changes for 2024? Watch our free Ask the Experts Webinar with Nelco Solutions! The recording is provided on our Year End page.
Tax Setup Items in the Quick Navigator
  • You can now quickly navigate to all the windows related to payroll tax setup! These links are located on the Setup/Keywords tab of the Quick Navigator. To get there, click Quick Nav. at the top of your program. You can search for the window you're looking for, and the number of matches displays on each tab.

    Quick Navigator window showing the options under the Payroll Tax Setup section on the Setup/Keywords tab

Improved Messaging
  • We updated the message that displays when an Index Out of Date error occurs. Now, you're prompted to exit and restart your program rather than run the Fix Data process. We've found that this is typically a quicker solution. If the error displays again, you have the option to repair it.