Install OnDemand for Windows
Install OnDemand on your Windows PC.
When you're an OnDemand customer, your programs automatically update.
Anti-Virus Software and OnDemand
How could your anti-virus software possibly affect OnDemand?
If you use anti-virus software on a Windows® operating system, set up an exclusion or an exception within your anti-virus software for the IDS LLC folder. This prevents disconnects when you use OnDemand.
Sometimes anti-virus software incorrectly flags a trusted file as a harmful file. Since this may occur with the IDS folder, which houses the OnDemand client, setting up an exclusion or an exception prevents your anti-virus software from taking action against it.
On a 32-Bit operating system, this folder is located in C:\Program Files. On a 64-Bit operating system, this folder is located in C:\Program Files (x86).
Give Full Access to a Folder
OnDemand users require full access to certain folders.
After installing OnDemand, Windows® users need full control permissions to the following folders:
- C:\Program Files\IDS LLC (For 64-bit operating systems, it's C:\Program Files(x86)\IDS LLC)
- C:\Temp
- C:\Windows\Temp
By allowing full control of these folders, you can avoid some problems with printing, logging in, and other functions in OnDemand and its programs. Please note that this is full control permissions and not administrative rights.
Uninstall OnDemand (Windows 10 & Newer)
Uninstall OnDemand from a Windows PC.
- Click
in the lower-left corner of the screen. The Start screen displays.
- Open your apps.
- Click Control Panel.
- If your View by selection is...
- set to Category, under Programs, select Uninstall a program, then select IDS Client and click Uninstall.
- set to Large icons or Small icons, select Programs and Features, then select IDS Client and click Uninstall.
- When the confirmation message displays, click Yes.