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Platform Configuration

Opportunities may be selected from the Opportunity Finder Widget whenever they meet the following criteria:

  • Today's date is equal to or greater than the Publish Date.
  • Today's date is less than the Opportunity Date (if defined).
  • The Ministry associated with the Opportunity must have Available Online set to Yes.
    Tip: To determine which Ministry is associated with the Opportunity:
    • Find the Program associated with the Opportunity on the Opportunity record.
    • Click the link next to the Program name to go to the Program record.
    • Find the Ministry name on the Program record.
  • The Visibility Level is either:

    • Staff: Visible only for authenticated users with at least one current Group Participant Record where Employee Role is set to Yes (belonging to any Group of any Group Type).
    • Public: Visible for any user.
  • The total number of placed Responses is less than the Max Needed value. An Opportunity will disappear from the Finder when the number of Placed Responses is equal to or greater than the Max Needed.
Note: If you want to filter your Opportunity Finder based on a Congregation, that Congregation must be available online. If it is not, all of your Opportunities will appear.

Review your eligible Opportunities to ensure they display as expected.

  • Title: The Opportunity Title .
  • When: The Opportunity Date. If blank, this is replaced with "Ongoing".
  • Description: Opportunity Description. Line breaks are supported.
  • Location: This field is populated from the Program's Congregation.
  • Contact Person: The individual responsible for following up with people interested in the Opportunity. If configured, they will be notified when there is an opportunity response.
  • Remaining Need: Displays the number of Responses still needed. This is calculated as the total number of Responses (which have a Response Result value of "Placed") subtracted from the Maximum Needed.
  • Response Message: An optional message that can be sent to the interested volunteer.

Attach a compelling image to the Opportunity, which will appear in the widget. If there is no image, a stock image will be displayed. Images can be added to use as the Opportunity image by attaching as a file to the Opportunity record via the Platform. File formats supported both by browsers and the Platform are: bmp, gif, jpg, and png. The widget software will crop and focus on the center of the image according to an ideal ratio of 59/32. The finder images are 800x433 intrinsically but resized to fit at 295x160.

If you choose to show the Attribute Filter (which allows users to filter opportunities by Attribute Type), make sure you add the appropriate Attributes on the Attributes tab of the Opportunity record.

Note: You can limit which Attributes are available for selection (without affecting the Opportunity record) by enter the Attribute IDs in the Widget Configurator.