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Widget Configuration

Required Attributes

  • Pledge Campaign ID: Determines which Pledge Campaign displays.
    • Attribute: pledgecampaignid
    • Valid Value: Pledge Campaign ID
    • Example:
  • Pledge Email Template: Confirmation email sent after an individual has successfully created a pledge.
    • Attribute: pledgeemailtemplate
    • Valid Value: Message ID
      Note: The Pledge Email Template email uses a Message ID, not a Template ID. Similar names, but very different things.
    • Example:

Optional Attributes

  • Suggested Amounts: Populates a trio of buttons with suggested giving amounts.
    • Attribute: suggestedamounts
    • Valid Value: Three integers that are comma separated. Default is 30, 50, 100.
    • Example:

Attributes must be included before the opening widget tag is closed. Attributes may be listed in any order and should be separated by a space or other whitespace. An attribute's value should be wrapped in quotation marks.

<mpp-pledge-campaign pledgecampaignid="5" pledgeemailtemplate="1200"    suggestedamounts="100,250,500"></mpp-pledge-campaign>

Configure Your Widget

Fill out the Widget Configurator below, copy your generated widget code, and paste it into your website.