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Widget Configuration

Required Attributes

  • Target URL: This is the URL of the webpage that contains your Invoice Details & Payment widget. Directs the authenticated user to the widget so they can pay an outstanding balance.
    • Attribute: targeturl
    • Valid Value: a fully qualified URL
    • Example:

Attributes must be included before the opening widget tag is closed. Attributes may be listed in any order and should be separated by a space or other whitespace. An attribute's value should be wrapped in quotation marks.

<mpp-my-invoices targeturl="https://example-church.com/invoicedetails"></mpp-my-invoices>

Optional Attributes

  • Key Word: Filters the result using keywords. Key Word search looks for a match in the Invoice Title, Status, or Product Name, so choose your keyword attribute strategically.
    • Attribute: keyword
    • Valid Value: any keyword
  • Month: Filters by a Month ID
    • Attribute: monthid
    • Valid Value: 1 to 12 (1 = January)
  • Invoice Status: Filters by Invoice Status ID. The default is empty.
    • Attribute: invoicestatusid
    • Valid Value: invoice status ID (or empty)
  • Hide Free Events Checkbox: Determines whether the option to include $0 invoices is available to the end user. The default is false.
    • Attribute: hidefreeeventscheckbox
    • Valid Value: true or false (or empty)

Configure Your Widget

Fill out the Widget Configurator below, copy your generated widget code, and paste it into your website.