Want to customize the My Invoices Widget even more? We love that!
CSS: Every Widget accepts the Custom CSS attribute. Include it before the opening Widget tag is closed and customize backgrounds, button colors, and more!
Application Labels: Want the "Pay Balance" button to say "Make a Payment"? To make changes, go to and update the appropriate label(s). Note that you are responsible for all translations if the default is not used.
- mpp-checkout.invoicePayNowButtonLabel: The label on the button the user clicks to pay an outstanding balance. Default is "Pay Balance."
- mpp-my-invoices.pageTitle: Title at the top of the page. Default is "My Invoices."
- mpp-my-invoices.pleaseLoginMessage: The message a User sees inviting them to log in to see their invoices. Default is "Please login to view your invoices."
- mpp-my-invoices.noInvoicesFoundMessage: The message an authenticated User sees if they do not have any invoices in the past 360 days. Default is "You currently do not have any invoices."