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Contributions or Stewardship Reports

In addition to reports on multiple pages, there are several reports available specifically in the Contributions or Stewardship section in MinistryPlatform.

Account Summary & Drill Down

Note: Any report that uses a Pledge Campaign as criteria can be set to only include Active Pledge Campaigns. A SPoC can go to Administration > Configuration Settings and edit the SSRS, CurrentCampaignFilters setting.

Review the sum of donations between two dates by account number. Drill into the deposit date, deposit, and donors whose donations make up that total.

Page: Deposits

Alter or Delete Subscription

Review, change, or delete donation and distribution items that are part of a subscription created by the online giving system.

Page: Donations

Campaign Dashboard, Campaign Dashboard Selected

A visual summary of a pledge campaign.

Pages: Pledge Campaigns, Pledges

Campaign Donation List, Campaign Donation List Selected

A list of all donations to your campaign.

Pages: Pledge Campaigns, Pledges

Campaign Pledge Dashboard

A visual summary of the pledges to a campaign. This report displays the pledge due based on the time you ran the report and the Pledge Campaign dates, the amount assigned to Pledge, and the difference between the amount due and assigned.

Pages: Pledge Campaigns, Pledges

Campaign Pledge List

This report lists the pledges associated with a specific campaign.

Pages: Pledge Campaigns, Pledges

Campaign Projection

Review projected pledges and actual giving for the duration of the campaign.

Note: Unbatched donations do not appear in this report.

Page: Pledge Campaigns

Change Selected Congregation

We don't recommend using this report. Instead, transfer the appropriate record(s) to the Households page and use the Assign page action to update the Congregation field.

Donation Analysis

This report provides an analysis by Donor for donations in a given period.

Note: It returns donors, not households.

Parameters: Period Start, Period End, Accounting Company, Statement Header, Program Filter, Min Period Giving (or Minimum Donation Amount Given During the Period Indicated that you want to show up on this report; anything below that number will not be listed on the report), Tax Deductible, Group By, and Optional Title.

Pages: Congregations, Donation Distributions, Donations, Donors, Programs, Statement Headers

Donation Analysis Soft Credit

If your church applies "Soft Credit" to select Distributions, this report helps you see who gave and how much they gave between two dates to one or more programs that was recorded as soft credit.

Page: Donors

Donation Listing

A listing of donations between two donation dates.

Pages: Batches, Donations

Donation Listing - Enhanced

This report lists donations by batch between two dates. See more information and apply more parameters than the Donation Listing report.

Page: Donations

Donation Listing - Simple

This report lists donations between two dates in a simple table that you can export to Excel or other software applications for analysis.

Page: Donations

Donation By Payment Type

This report summarizes donations by Payment Type for two specific periods.

Page: Donations

Donations By Week

View the sum or count of donations by week. Filter by congregation, statement header, or program.

Pages: Congregations, Donation Distributions, Donations, Programs, Statement Headers

Donations By Week By Program

Review sum of donations by week by program.

Pages: Donation Distributions, Donations, Programs, Statement Headers

Donor Dashboard

Analyze various information about your donors.

Page: Donors

Donor Household Retention

This report shows the number of new Donor households over time along with the retention of these households as future donors. The report includes the Last Household Donation, which is the last date any member of the family made or scheduled a donation. This is updated nightly by routine.

Page: Donors

Donor Standard Statement

This report produces statements for all donors for the selected Accounting Company and Statement Year. It leverages the Standard Statement Settings on the Accounting Company record.

Page: Donors, Statements

Donor Standard Statement Selected

This report produces statements for the selected donors or statement records, for the selected Accounting Company and Statement Year. It leverages the Standard Statement Settings on the Accounting Company record.

Page: Donors, Statements

Donor Summary - Selected

This report summarizes giving by quarter for selected donor records.

Page: Donors

Envelope File

This report produces an envelope file to be saved and sent to an envelope mailing company.

Page: Donors

Envelope File Multi-Campus

This report produces an envelope file to be saved and sent to an envelope mailing company.

Page: Donors

Financial Summary, Financial Summary: Selected

This report summarizes giving by program or by total to the congregation but doesn't actually list the donations. This is useful for mid-year giving updates.

Pages: Accounting Companies, Contribution Statements, Donors

Find Donor Household Change

This report lists donor households by giving change (amount and percentage) and allows you to create a selection. Set which periods you're interested in viewing to see the percent and amount of change in their giving; the report also shows if they gave in one period and not the other, indicating a loss or gain of givers. Set the Select Heads Only option to Yes if you want the report to only include donors who have a family position of Head of Household.

Page: Donors

Find Donor Household Change Selected

This report lists donor households by giving change (amount and percentage) from a selection.

Page: Donors

Find Donor Households

This report is similar in purpose to the Find Donors report. However, it returns a list of Households whose total giving matches the criteria provided. It can create a selection of all heads or all household members who qualify.

Note: This report returns Households, not individual Donors.

Pages: Donors

Find Donors

Find Donors who have given to a specific program or programs. Define a minimum amount during a period and even find people who are giving for the first time.

Page: Donors

Find Donors: Export

Find Donors who have given to a specific program or programs. Define a minimum amount during a period and even find people who are giving for the first time.

Page: Donors

Find Soft Credit Donors

If your church applies "Soft Credit" to select Distributions, this report helps you build a list of donors who were given soft credit between two dates to one or more programs.

Page: Donors

First Donation By Week

Analyze how many donors made a first donation each week over time.

Page: Donors

Giving Band Analysis

Analyze giving by donors based on "bands" or levels of giving. Set levels in Configuration Settings. Filter the results to specific types of giving.

Page: Donors

Giving Band Export

Export one row per donor based on "bands" or levels of giving. Set levels in Configuration Settings. Filter the results to specific types of giving.

Page: Donors

Giving Band Summary

View a table summarizing giving by "bands" or level of giving. Set levels in Configuration Settings. Group the results by age, zip code, city, and other dimensions. Filter the results to specific types of giving.

The following are some helpful definitions for this report:
  • Donation Count: The number of Donations.
  • Distr. Count: The number of Donation Distributions. For example, one Donation might have two Donation Distributions: $50 to General, and $50 to Building.
  • Avg Giving: Band Giving divided by Donors.
  • Avg Distr: Band Giving divided by Distribution Count.
  • Avg Donation: Band Giving divided by Donation Count.

Page: Donors

Major Donors

This report lists donors and their donations if those donors gave over a minimum threshold between two dates.

Page: Donors

Pledge Campaign Statement

This report is formatted similarly to a donor statement, but it lists only donations made towards a Pledge Campaign. It also lists donations across multiple years. For that reason, this is not a statement of tax deductible donations. This report lists all donors with a pledge. You can print their statements, and there are page breaks between donors.

Page: Donors

Pledge Campaign Statement - Selected

This report is formatted similarly to a donor statement, but it lists only donations made towards a Pledge Campaign and lists donations across multiple years. For that reason, this is not a statement of tax deductible donations. This report lists only selected donors with a pledge to the campaign. You can print their statement, and there are page breaks between donors.

Page: Donors

Selected Batch Congregation Mismatch

This report lists donations in each of the selected batch where the congregation of the donor is different from the congregation to which the donation is credited. Churches may use ths report as an alert system for donors who have switched campuses.

Page: Batches

Selected Batch Listing

This report produces a list of the contents of selected batches.

Page: Batches

Selected Batch Notes

Review donations in the selected batch if they have a donor note or a donation note.

Page: Batches

Selected Batch Simple Item List

This report prints items with notes and date and payment type.

Page: Batches

Selected Batch Summary

This report provides a summary of the selected batches, including multiple pages with different ways to summarize the batch contents.

Page: Batches

Selected Campaign Donor Summary

This report summarizes all the activity related to any donor with a pledge to the selected campaign OR that made a gift to a program participating in a selected campaign.

Note: Unbatched donations do not appear in this report.

Page: Pledge Campaigns

Selected Campaign Donor Summary Export

This report is formatted for export to Excel and use as a mail merge. It will summarize all the activity related to any donor that has a pledge to the selected campaign OR that has made a gift to a program participating in a selected campaign.

Note: Unbatched donations do not appear in this report.
The following are definitions for select columns in this report:
  • Total Installments: The Installment Amount of the Donor's Pledge(s).
  • Total Pledge: The Total Pledge Amount of the Donor's Pledge(s).
  • Total Active Pledge: The Total of Donor's Pledge(s) with a status of Active.
  • Pledged Giving: The Giving from the Donor credited to their Pledge(s).
  • Pledge Remainder: The remaining balance on the Donor's Pledge(s); Total Pledge(s) less Pledged Giving.
  • Unpledged Giving: The Giving from the Donor to the Pledge Campaign's Program not credited to their Pledge, if this is set as the pledge campaign on the Program record.
  • Total Giving: The total giving to the Pledge Campaign's Program; Pledged Giving plus Unpledged Giving.
  • % of Pledge: The percentage of the Pledge fulfilled; Pledged Giving divided by the Total Pledge.
  • Other Pledge Credited: The total giving where the Donor is marked as the Soft Credit Donor on another DOnor's gift to the Pledge Campaign's Program.

Page: Pledge Campaigns

Selected Campaign Summary

Get an overview of the status of a campaign.

Note: Both batched and unbatched donations will appear if the Donation Distribution has been assigned a pledge

Page: Pledge Campaigns

Selected Deposit - Batch & Donation Listing

View donations by batch in each of the selected deposits.

Page: Deposits

Selected Deposit - Congregation Breakdown

This report summarizes the breakdown by the congregation set on each batch for the selected deposits.

Page: Deposits

Selected Deposit - Export Preview

View a summary of giving by program in each of the selected deposits.

Page: Deposits

Selected Deposit - Items List

This report provides an interactive listing of items within a deposit. It helps prepare the deposit slip for the bank and provides a printable report of check amounts and numbers.

Page: Deposits

Selected Deposit Program Summary Export

This report provides a deposit level summary by Program with Account Number. It includes an option to mark the selected deposits as "exported".

Page: Deposits

Selected Donation Images

This report shows the images and other information about the donations associated with the selection below.

Page: Batches, Deposits, Donation Distributions, Donations

Selected Donation Images

Print letters related to selected donations with this report.

Page: Donations

Selected Donation Letter

Print letters related to selected donations with this report.

Page: Donations

Selected Donation Listing

This report lists the selected donations.

Page: Donations

Selected Donation Mail Merge

Create a mail merge file for selected donation records on the Donations page or donations records within selected Batches on the Batches page. Each row in the resulting report contains data about the donation and up to four distribution records.

Page: Batches, Donations

Selected Donations By Month

This report provides a summary of donations by month and program.

Page: Donations

Selected Donor Donation Listing

This report lists donations made by selected donors.

Page: Donors

Selected Donor Household Summary

This report provides a summary of donations for the entire household by quarter over a set of years, including the ability to add soft credit donations to the quarterly sums.

Page: Donors

Selected Donor Letter

Print letters to the selected donors with this report.

Page: Donors

Selected Labels

Get labels for the selected contact records.

Pages: Activity Log, All Subscriptions, Background Checks, Contact Attributes, Contact Log, Contact Relationships, Contacts, Donation Distributions, Donations, Donor Accounts, Donors, Engagements, Event Participants, Prayer & Feedback Entries, Group Participants, Household Care Log, IT Help Tickets, Maintenance Requests, Milestones Assigned, Ministry Updates, Participants, Payments, Pledges, Purchase Requests, Responses, Suggestions, Time Off, User Tasks, Users

Selected Labels Envelope No

Get labels for the selected contact records on the donor page then return labels with the envelope not printed.

Page: Donors

Selected Pledge Donation List

Print a list of donations towards the selected pledge records.

Page: Pledges

Selected Pledge Letter

Quickly print a letter to donors who made the selected pledges.

Page: Pledges

Selected Pledge Mail Merge

This report includes data fields necessary for a mail merge related to the selected pledge records, including the pledge total, given, and balance.

Page: Pledges


How do we see who in a specific group has given?

  • Use transfer selection to get the contacts to the Donors page.
  • Use the "Find Donor" selected report.