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Giving Bands or Levels

For reporting on Donors to understand various giving bands (also called giving levels), set the appropriate giving bands in the SSRS Configuration Settings. A minimum of two giving bands should be set.

Questions giving bands or giving levels can help answer:

  • How many Donors do we have giving at each giving level?
  • How many Household do we have giving at each giving level?
  • How many Donors gave at this level between these two dates?
  • At what levels do our 50 somethings primarily give at?
  • At what levels do our Building Fund Donors give at?
  • How much of our giving comes from people ages 30 to 39 who give between 1,000 and 2,000 in 2015?

These giving bands or giving levels are used by the following Contributions or Stewardship Reports:

  • Giving Band Analysis
  • Giving Band Export
  • Giving Band Summary