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Portal - Released January 2024

If this release affects your system, you've already been notified. Here's a summary of what's changing.

PCI Compliance

  • In order to comply with PCI standards, we no longer pass credit card details through the Portal. Instead, the Portal will use Authorize.net to send payment information directly. This change provides more security for credit card information as it is handled directly through the payment processor.

  • This change affects online giving, event payment, and mission trip payment for congregants. Now, if they want to make a payment via the Portal (and you're using Authorize.net), they're prompted to enter their payment information in a separate pop-up window. Once they click Pay, they're directed back to the Portal, where they'll see their receipt.

  • If you don't use Authorize.net or you would prefer to direct people to another page on your website where they can make a payment, you can add the Configuration Settings for PORTAL: OnlineGivingUrl and/or PORTAL: MissionTripGivingUrl. Add the setting, and enter the link to your giving provider. Otherwise, an error message will display.

    • The URL should be a link your congregants can be redirected to complete the payment.
    • If you use OnlineGiving.org, these configuration settings will support a token. Include "?mp_token={ogo-token}" to automatically log users in to OnlineGiving.org when they're logged in to the Portal.

Affected Portal Pages

  • As part of this change, we needed to remove the public giving page for any churches that aren't using Authorize.net. That means congregants can no longer give one-time gifts or set up new recurring gifts via the public page. However, existing recurring gifts will continue to process.

What You Need to Do Next

Ensure Donation and Registration Payments via the Portal are interrupted as little as possible. See Payments via the Portal for details and step-by-step instructions, including how to add the Configuration Settings mentioned above.

We highly recommend switching over to Widgets to enable the best experience for your users (and you!).

For more on PCI compliance at ACS Technologies, see the PCI FAQs article in our Trust Center.


Reminder about Supported Browsers: Before accessing Widgets and other MinistryPlatform applications, make sure your browser is up-to-date. Otherwise, you may see errors.

The technical details: TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 are no longer supported for our services. To use our applications, the browser must be on TLS 1.2 or higher. For this reason, we suggest using the most updated browser version.

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