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Portal Email Templates

You have direct control over the content of your email templates. A SPoC can view and edit email templates using the Portal Admin page (for example, change content, add a logo, etc.).

Account Changed
This email is sent when someone updates their User Account on the My User Account Portal page. (update_user_email.htm)

Supported Tokens: [User_Name], [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Email_Address], [PasswordUpdate]

Cancel My Event
This email is sent to an Event or Group's primary contact when someone cancels attendance on the My Events Portal page. (cancel_my_event.htm)

Supported Tokens: [Event_Title], [Event_Start_Date], [Event_End_Date], [Group_Name] - the name of the Group they are associated with, [Role_Title] - the user's job or role (e.g., "usher" or "parking attendant"), [Primary_Contact] - the primary contact's name, [First_Name] - of the user who is canceling attendance, [Last_Name] - of the user who is canceling attendance, [Nickname] - of the user who is canceling attendance

Cancel Pledge
This email is sent to Donors when they cancel a Pledge using the My Pledges Portal page. (cancel_pledge.htm, cancel_pledge_email.htm)

Supported Tokens: [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Nickname], [Email_Address], [Pledge_Name]

Cancel Recurring Gift
This email is sent to Donors when they cancel a recurring gift using the My Giving Portal page. (cancel_recurring_email.htm)

Supported Tokens: [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Nickname], [Subscription_Code], [Subscription_Details]

Create Account
This email is sent to a user who has just created a new User account on the Portal. (new_user_email.htm)

Supported Tokens: [User_Name], [Password], [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Phone_Number], [Email_Address], [Contact_ID]

Create Account Failure
This email is sent to a designated individual (typically a staff member) when Portal account creation fails. There is no number of attempts before failure; an email is sent each time a failure occurs. This is a fail-safe so that an account creation is not completely lost when an error happens.

To designate the individual to receive the email, go to Administration > Configuration Settings, and update the FailedAccountEmailTo setting. Use the Portal Admin page for the setting update to take effect immediately.

Supported Tokens: [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Phone_Number], [Email_Address], [Notes]

Event Registration
This email sends a receipt to a participant when they register for an event using the Event Registration page or pay off the balance of a previous registrations using the My Purchase History page. Event Registration Receipts are sent directly from the Portal and are not tracked in the Platform. (event_registration_email.htm)

To customize the title of the email or the "From" email address of the email, edit the PORTAL,PaymentsEmailSubject and PORTAL,PaymentsFromEmail Configuration Settings.

It is not possible to resend the Event Registration email. If needed, an individual could be re-registered by an MP user using the Impersonate Portal User tool, and then deleting the duplicate registration. However, if the event requires a payment the payment records will need to be cleaned up as well.

Note: This email "receipt" is distinct from the Registrant Message. Using the Registrant Message will not prevent this automated Event Registration email from being sent upon registration.

Supported Tokens: [User_Name], [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Phone_Number], [Email_Address], [Address_Line_1], [Address_Line_2], [City], [State/Region], [Postal_Code], [Payment_Type], [Account_Number], [mpp_Invoice_Summary] (This token cannot be modified! Includes the Item Type, Item Description, Amount Paid, and, if applicable, the Product Options and Product Option Prices.)

Event RSVP
This email is sent to group members when a group leader sends an invitation via My Groups to attend a group-specific event. (event_rsvp_email.htm)

Supported Tokens: [Event_ID], [Group_ID], [Event_Title], [Description], [Meeting_Instructions], [Event_Start_Date], [Event_End_Date], [Event_Start_Date_Only] (date only - 11/5/2023), [Event_Start_Time_Only] (5:00 PM), [Event_Start_Day] (Thursday), [Event_End_Date_Only], [Event_End_Time_Only], [Event_End_Day], [mpp_Message], [mpp_Server_URL], [Domain_GUID], [Contact_GUID]

Group/Event Message
This email is sent to group members when a group leader sends an Event message to their group via My Groups. (event_message_email.htm)

Note: This is not a template that can be accessed via the Platform; it is only sent via the Portal.

Supported Tokens: [Display_Name], [User_Name], [Nickname], [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Email_Address], [Role_Title], [Contact_GUID], [Event_ID], [Group_ID], [Event_Title], [Description], [Meeting_Instructions], [Event_Start_Date], [Event_End_Date], [Event_Start_Date_Only] - (date only - 11/1/2012) [Event_Start_Time_Only] - (5:00 PM) [Event_Start_Day] - (Thursday) [Event_End_Date_Only], [Event_End_Time_Only], [Event_End_Day], [mpp_Message], [mpp_Server_URL], [Domain_GUID]

Group Signup
This email is sent to a Group Leader when someone signs up for their Group on Group Finder. (group_signup.htm)

Supported Tokens: [User_Name], [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Group_Leader], [Email_Address], [Notes]

Make A Pledge
This email is sent out when a Donor makes a pledge using the Make a Pledge Portal page. (make_a_pledge_email.htm)

Supported Tokens: [User_Name], [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Campaign_Name] (The Pledge Campaign name), [Description] (Pledge Campaign Description), [Online_Thank_You_Message] (the thank you message saved on the Pledge Campaign record), [Pledge_Total] (the user's total Pledge amount)

My Calls Declined
This email is sent to the Planned Contact's manager (as long as they have an email address) If a user declines a call on the My Calls page so they can make alternate arrangements.

Supported Tokens: [User_Name] (the user name of the person who declined contact), [First_Name] (the first name of the person who declined contact), [Nickname] (the nickname of the person who declined contact), [Last_Name] (the last name of the person who declined contact), [Manager_Email] (Manager's Email), [DisplayName] (the last name, first name of the person who declined contact), [Contact_Email] (the email of the person who declined contact)

My Calls Failed
This email is sent to the Planned Contact manager if a user logs a failed call on the My Calls Portal page. (my_calls_failed.htm)

Failure Outcomes

The failure email is sent to the Planned Contact Manager if the following values in the Planned Contact record: Notify On Failure is set to "Yes" and the manager has an email address. There are two scenarios consider Failure cases: The assignee selects Do Not Call, or the assignee selects Try Again and the number of attempts has reached the Maximum Attempts set in the Planned Contact record.

Supported Tokens: [User_Name], [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Manager] (the manager's name), [DisplayName] (the person who was not contacted), [Made_By] (the person who made the contact), [CallDate] (the date the call was attempted), [Notes] (any notes the "made by" person entered)

Online Giving
This email is sent to the Donor when they give online either using Online Giving or Mission Trip Giving. (online_giving_email.htm)

The subject of the email can be edited via the Platform's Configuration Settings page using the Portal, OnlineGivingEmailSubject value. The email address that is sending the email can be controlled via the Portal, OnlineGivingFromEmail configuration value.

Supported Tokens: [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Phone_Number], [Email_Address], [Address_Line_1], [Address_Line_2], [City], [State/Region], [Postal_Code], [Payment_Type], [Account_Number]

Reset Password
This email is sent to the user's email address after they use the "Forgot password" button on the Login page. Tokens used in the email template must be populated in the contact record associated with that specific user account, or they will show as blank. (reset_password_email.htm)

Supported Tokens: [User_Name], [First_Name], [Last_Name], [Email_Address] (the email address provided by the user), [ContactRecords] (the list of Contact records that match the email address provided by the user; each Contact record will be linked to that Contact's Portal login)

Update Password
This email is sent when a user updates their password using the My User Account Portal page. (update_password_email.htm)

Supported Tokens: [User_Name], [First_Name], [Last_Name]