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Portal Resource Files

The following templates can be edited using the Portal Admin page. Select the Resource file, and click Edit. Be careful making edits as these files have specific formatting that must be retained. After you make your changes, click Save.

Controls the instructions presented at the top of every Background Check form.
Controls the consent section presented at the end of every Background Check form before the digital signature is collected. on the release. If you church performs background checks on residents of Georgia, please make sure that the phrase "Criminal Background Check" is included.
Controls the thank you message presented after every Background Check form is submitted.
Credit Cards
Controls the list of available credit cards on payment screens. Before changing the cards listed, be sure that your Authorize.Net account is configured to support payments from these cards.

Sample Cards File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <card value="VISA" name="Visa"></card>
  <card value="MASTERCARD" name="MasterCard"></card>
  <!-- <card value="DISCOVER" name="Discover"></card> -->
  <!-- <card value="AMEX" name="American Express"></card> -->

You can comment-out a card when not in use by wrapping it in comment tags: <!-- --> (see sample above). This disables the items but leaves them in the file for future reference. The value for each card is important for proper configuration, so it is helpful to retain this in case you need it.

Contribution Statements
Use html and css to control the content and appearance of your online statements. Modifications to the configuration, templated (contribution_statement.htm), and style sheet (contribution_statement.css) impact both the Contribution Statement that displays on the Portal page itself and the PDF that is generated.


Some of the content and appearance is controlled by configurations elsewhere in the system. See My Statements Configuration.


The htm file determines which content is displayed in what order. Be very careful when editing the html; if invalid html is created, the pdf download may not function.

Content Tokens: [Statement_Logo] (this is the image attached to the Accounting Company; for image specifications, see Statement Headings), [Donor_Name], [Donor_Address_Line_1], [Donor_Address_Line_2], [Donor_City], [Donor_State], [Donor_Postal_Code], [Campaign_Name], [Active_Pledge_Sum], [Active_Pledge_Balance], [My_Statement_Through], [mpp_Contribution_List], [Grand_Total], [Statement_Footer] (this comes from the Statement Footer field in Church Structure > Accounting Companies), [Company_Name], [Address_Line_1], [City], [State/Region], [Postal_Code], [Company_Phone], [Fax_Phone], [Date]

Style Sheets

The css file controls the appearance using styles that are applied to the html. If you do not have the expertise to edit html and css, Professional Services can help you. The title (2018 Contribution Statement) is automatically generated as for the pdf, so you don't have control over the text, but the font can be styled using an h2 selector.

This file controls the list of available currencies for giving or payment.

Sample Currencies File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <currency name="US Dollars" value="USD" code="840" />
<!--  <currency name="Philippine Pesos" value="PHP" code="608" />
  <currency name="HKD" value="HKD" code="344" />
  <currency name="SGDs" value="SGD" code="702" />
  <currency name="CNY" value="CNY" code="156" />
  <currency name="JPY" value="JPY" code="392" />
  <currency name="TWD" value="TWD" code="901" />
  <currency name="AUD" value="AUD" code="036" />
  <currency name="EUR" value="EUR" code="978" />
  <currency name="GBP" value="GBP" code="826" />
  <currency name="CAD" value="CAD" code="124" /> -->
You can comment-out currencies when not in use by wrapping it in comment tags: <!-- --> (see sample above). This disables the items but leaves them in the file for future reference. The value for each currency is important for proper configuration, so it is helpful to retain this in case you need it.
Warning: This file must be valid xml. If you are uncomfortable editing xml, please contact Support and we'll make the changes for you.
Online Directory
This template controls the layout of your Online Directory.

Available Tokens: [Photo] (the url to the individual's photo, if it exists on their Contact record), [Display_Name], [First_Name], [Nickname], [Middle_Name], [Last_Name], [Address_Line_1], [Address_Line_2], [City], [State/Region], [Postal_Code], [Foreign_Country], [Mobile_Phone], [Home_Phone], [Extension], [Date_of_Birth] (displays the user's date of birth in the format "mm/dd/yyyy"), [DOB_Short] (displays the user's date of birth in a shortened format: "January 1"), [Email_Address], [Household_Name], [HouseholdLink] (displays a "view family" hyperlink that allows anyone who clicks the link to view all family members on one screen), [Household_ID] (the unique identifier for the Household record in MinistryPlatform), [Unique_Name] (the photo file's unique name), [dp_Row_No] (the row number of the returned record)

Sample directory_format.htm File

<div class="divDirectoryImage mpp_infoCardImage" style="background-image: url('[Photo]');"></div>
<div class="divDirectoryInfo mpp_infoCardData">
  <div id='dir_name'>[Display_Name]</div>
  <div id='dir_add1'>[Address_Line_1]</div>
  <div id='dir_add2'>[Address_Line_2]</div>
  <div id='dir_csz'>[City] [State/Region] [Postal_Code]</div>
  <div id='dir_country'>[Foreign_Country]</div>
  <div id='dir_mphone'>[Mobile_Phone]</div>
  <div id='dir_hphone'>[Home_Phone]</div>
  <div id='dir_dob'>DOB: [Date_of_Birth]</div>
  <div id='dir_dob_short'>DOB (short): [DOB_Short]</div>
  <div id='dir_email'><a href="mailto:[Email_Address]">[Email_Address]</a></div>
  <div id='dir_family'>[HouseholdLink]</div>

If you format your .htm file like the example above (with stacked <div> tags instead of <br /> lines), fields will automatically collapse if they are empty. For example, if a member has no address on file, the directory card will not show empty lines.

Each card is wrapped inside of a div with the class mpp_infoCard. Your skin can style the mpp_infoCard class as well as any html included in the directory format file.