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Create or Edit Portal Content

  • You must have a Security Role in order to manage content on the Portal. To grant access, a SPoC can go to Administration > Users, open the User record, and in the Roles sub-page, add the "Portal Content Manager" Security Role.

The Portal allows you to create content pages, which means you can use the Portal as a simple Content Management System (CMS). For example, you could create a page called Small Group Leader Info and place it under My Groups in the navigation menu. Then, each week a Portal Content Manager could update that page with information small group leaders need.The Portal home page can be updated with content.

  1. Log in to the Portal.
  2. Navigate to a URL in your web browser that is dependent on your portal path. For example, if your Portal path is https://ministryplatform.com/portal/, then type an address like https://ministryplatform.com/portal/mypage (where "mypage" is the page URL address).
    Note: Make sure not to include a trailing slash at the end of your custom page URL. It is not needed and can affect the appearance your Portal skin.
  3. If this URL does not exist, you have the option to create content. If this URL already exists, you can see and manage your content.

Pages created in this manner appear in the Site Index automatically. To access your Site Index, substitute your domain in the following URL: https://{your domain}/portal/site_index.aspx.

These pages are stored in the Domain Data Content folder.