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Filtering with Queries

You can tweak elements of most Portal pages by using queries. You can add a query at the end of your URLs to configure how the page and content will be displayed.

Usually, this is accomplished in your Portal Skin or using a Message Snippet when communicating via email.


You can find the values for all of the filter options by looking in MinistryPlatform. For example, you can copy the Congregation ID# found in MinistryPlatform under Church Structure > Congregation.

Using Multiple Filters

The whole query string starts with "?" and follows aspx in the page's file-name. All following settings are separated with "&" symbols. A common mistake is to introduce an extra "?" symbol after the initial one.


In the example above, there are three queries (only the first one starts with "?" and the others start with "&"):
  • ?template=special_event
  • &remembertemplate=true
  • &filter=campus:1

Working with Filters

Some pages support a special query for filtering the values or selecting defaults that are present on that page. The available options are specific to the page and determine how the content is displayed. This type of query looks like this (filter=):


Using Multiple Filters

You can use multiple queries together. Each query name/value pair needs to be separated with the "|" pipe character. For example, you can use a campus and purpose to create links directly to a specific online giving item:


In the above example, there are three queries. The first one is introduced with "filter=" and has no pipe. Additional filters start with a pipe. Each filter includes a label and value separated by a colon:
  • campus:1
  • |purpose:289
  • |amount:100
There are other items that can also be used to filter, depending on the page you are on:
  • Campus
  • Ministry
  • Zip Code
  • Keyword

Applying to Specific Pages

Various Filters are available for the following pages. Note that Filters are specific to each page, and only include the values or defaults that are present on that page:
  • Online Giving
  • Event Calendar
  • Group Finder
  • Opportunity Finder