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Group Curriculum

Want to distribute curriculum to your group leaders? The group curriculum tool lets you set up reusable curriculum and put it right in your group leaders' hands.

Set Up Curriculum

To add curriculum to your app, there are a few values you'll need to add to MinistryPlatform. Once you've set up the foundational elements, you can add new curriculum.

Add Media Type

When you set up your curriculum, you'll be able to add links to video, audio, a webpage, or PDF. Add the media type to the Platform so you can add that to your curriculum link.

  1. Go to PocketPlatform > Media Type.
  2. Click New Media Type.
  3. Add the media type.
  4. Click Save.

Add an Icon

Use icons so your Group Leaders can tell the type of curriculum at a glance.

  1. Go to PocketPlatform > Icons.
  2. Click New Icon.
  3. Add an Icon Name.
  4. Click Save.

Add a Curriculum Link Type

  1. Go to PocketPlatform > Curriculum Link Types.
  2. Click New Curriculum Link Type.
  3. Add Curriculum Link Type.
  4. Add Icon.
  5. Add Media Type.
  6. Click Save.

Add Curriculum

  1. Go to PocketPlatform > Curriculum.
  2. Click New Curriculum.
  3. Create a new record for each lesson or meeting. Give it a title and then enter lesson notes, facilitator questions, scripture passages, and so on.
  4. Click Save.
  5. On the Links tab, click New Curriculum Link.
  6. Select the Link Type from the drop-down list.
  7. For Link URL, enter the URL for the curriculum.
  8. Select a Status of Draft, Hidden, or Published.
  9. For Position, select the order this link should display in.
  10. Click Save.

Add Curriculum to a Group Meeting

After you've added your curriculum to the Platform, you'll need to add it to the specific group meeting it's associated with.

  1. Go to Facilities > Event Groups.
  2. Select the group you're adding curriculum to.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Add your curriculum to the Curriculum drop-down list. The curriculum you added will be available to select.
  5. Click Save.