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Donor Reports

A comprehensive list of Donor Reports available in MinistryPlatform.

Note: This list does not cover Donor Statements and other donor-related reports used in communication with donors.
Donation Analysis:
Analysis by donor for donations in a given period. It can group the information by Program, Payment Type, Congregation, Statement Header and many other dimensions. It can provide a summary of the number of Households or Donors participating in any given time period. Use this report to answer questions like: How many people gave via Credit Cards to our General Fund and how much did they give between 1/1/2013 and 6/30/2013?
Donor Dashboard:
Analyze various facts about your Donors as a group.
Donor Summary - Selected:
Summarizes giving by quarter for selected Donor records.
​Find Donors:
Find Donors who have given to a specific Program or Programs. Define a minimum amount during a period and find people who are giving for the first time. Use this report to answer questions like: Who are my brand new donors (First-time donors) between 1/1/2013 and 6/30/2013 who gave to General Fund? This report can optionally create a selection of records from all Donors who meet your criteria. You can then use the Platform to communicate with those Donors. Please note this report includes batched donations only.
Find Donor Households:
Similar to Find Donors, but this report returns households and can create a selection of both heads of a household for communication.
​Find Donor Household Change:
Similar to Find Donor Households, but this report allows you to identify Households whose giving has changed by some amount or percentage.
First Donation By Week:
Analyze how many donors made a first donation each week over time.Use this report to answer questions like: How many first time donors have I had for a specific campus in each week over the past five years?
Giving Band Analysis:
Analyze giving by donors based on "bands" or levels of giving. Set levels in Configuration Settings.
Giving Band Export:
Export one row per donor based on "bands" or levels of giving. Set levels in Configuration Settings.
Giving Band Summary:
View a summary of giving by giving bands (for example, $0-500) and group the results by things like age, zip, city and more. Use this report to answer questions like: How much of my giving comes from people ages 30 to 39 who give between 1,000 and 2,000 in 2013? Set levels in Configuration Settings.
Major Donors:
Lists Donors and their Donations who have given over a minimum threshold between two dates. Use this report to answer questions like: Who are the donors who gave at least $5,000 in the past month to General Fund? Who are the top 100 donors at Campus B?
Selected Donor Donation Listing:
Listing of Donations made by selected Donors.
Selected Household Donations:
Summarizes giving by the Household of the selected Contact records. It provides the optional ability to see their giving over time. This report's intention is to show each individual and the amount given by their household. For example, if a married couple gave 10,000 in the last year, both husband and wife will be listed with a 10,000 amount. The report indicates if the amount is on the report more than once. This report is useful for those looking to answer questions such as, is this individual engaged in our church through giving?
Selected Program Donations Enhanced:
Answers questions like: How do I locate and print donor names and addresses who gave to specific programs?
Selected Donor Alerts:
This report is available on the Households page and can show you comparisons of giving from year to year on the selection of Households the report is run on. It answers questions like: Have these donors given more or less this year than last?
For a full list of Stewardship reports, see Stewardship Reports. And remember, you can get creative with these reports to find the information you're looking for. For example, the Major Donor report can identify your top 200 donors. But what if you want even more information about those donors?
  1. Run the Find Donor Export for the time period, sort it by Period Amount, and find the amount given by the 200th ranked giver.
  2. Run the Find Donor Export again with that number in Min Period Giving to return a report listing your top 200 people donors. You get name, address, phone, and e-mail in this report, and the option to create a selection list, which could be transferred to Contacts or wherever you want to run even more reports.