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Products and Options

  • A product is what controls the payment total for an event registration and is required for event registration to be live. You can also set up free products (so, collect $0).
  • You can create products to allow users to register for paid events (like a seminar or conference) or collect additional required (and sometimes paid) information.
  • You can associate option groups with products to provide additional options during registration. For example:
    • Free potluck (Product) with optional free childcare (Option Group).
    • Free Bible study (Product) with required paid book materials (Option Group).
    • Paid event (Product) with optional extras (Option Group).
  • Products can be reused for multiple events, over multiple years. The only time this is not a good idea is if you are using the maximum quantity within an option price since registrants from other events will be applied to that quantity.
    • When reusing a product, option prices can be inactivated or added without issue. You can create a view within the Option Price sub-page of the Option Group to see which ones are active and which aren't. See Option Groups and Prices for more information.