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Add IWA Application

  1. Launch the IIS Manager.
  2. Expand the Server node.
  3. Expand the Site node.
  4. Locate an application titled iwa. Or, right-click MinistryPlatform site, choose Add Application, enter "iwa" as the Application's Alias, and browse to select the Physical Path found under W:\Sites\[MinistryPlatformSite]\IWA.
  5. Select iwa Application.
  6. Launch Authentication from the icon to enable only Anonymous Authentication and Windows Authentication.
The Application Pool may need to be restarted for new Identity Providers to be configurable for Users. If Setup Admin is set to Yes on your User record, you will have a Restart Auth App button on your User Profile. Clicking that button will make the external authentication option available. More information about enabling Windows Authentication for a Web Application can be found here.