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Approve "Other" Type Providers

If a Provider offers to help with a Need type that was not predefined, Staff should review:

You must manually assign Needs to Providers that offer to help with a Need Type of "Other" (a write in, not selected from predefined Need Types) because this Need type doesn't display on the Connect Board.

  1. From the Need Type Provider page, choose the Other Types Not Approved view.
  2. Review the Other Notes to determine the following:
    1. Is this help that is appropriate? You might need to remove or follow up.
    2. Is this really an existing Need Type? You need to change Need Type.
    3. Is there a trend? You need a new Need Type.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Set Approved to Yes.
  5. Click Save.
The Need shows on the Connect Board for the Provider under "My Assignments" with Need details and Contact information.
See Need Management.