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Care Life Details

The Care Case Details window provides a deep-dive into the selected care case, including visibility to Care Log entries and Prayer Requests. You can also update or create new Care Case entries or open a new care case. Need to go back to full list? Just click the Care Life Dashboard button!

Care Case Details
Everything you need to know about the current care case.
  • Header/Title: Shows the Household Name, Care Type, and Start Date.
  • Care Case Type: Select from your church's Care Case Types.
  • Start Date: The date the Care Case was opened.
  • End Date: The date the Care Case was closed.
  • Status:
    • New: Indicates the Care Case Start Date is no more than 14 days old.
    • Open:
      • Active: Has current, incomplete Household Care Log entries (Action Date is in the future and Completed set to No) and End Date is blank or in the future.
      • Lapsed: Has overdue, incomplete Household Care entries (Action Date is in the past and Completed set to No) and End Date is blank or in the future.
      • Needs Review: All Household Care Log entries are marked complete (Completed set to Yes) and End Date is blank or in the future.
        Note: Only Care Case Administrators can review and close a Care Case.
    • Closed: Indicates the Care Case End Date is in the past.
  • Description: A description of the care that needs to be provided.
  • Case Manager: The default image attached to the Case Manager's Contact Record displays, if available.
Household Care Log
The associated Household's Care Log. Defaults to show incomplete and overdue Care Log entries. Select Show Completed to include completed Care Log entries.
Prayer Requests
A read-only list of prayer requests associated with the Care Case, displayed newest to oldest. Prayer requests with visibility "1-Private" do not display.
A read-only list of any Needs associated with the Care Case, displayed newest to oldest.
Contact Information
An overview of the demographic information available for the Contact assigned to the Care Case. Tap the Contact's name under the image to see available information, including email address, phone number, Congregation, Participant Type, and more.
  • Image:
    • If available, the default image attached to Care Case's Contact displays.
    • If there is no image attached to the Care Case's Contact, the default image attached to the Care Case's Household displays.
    • If there is no image attached to the Care Case's Household and there is a map available, the map displays the full width of the panel.
  • Map:
    • If the Latitude or Longitude are available, the Care Case's location map displays.
      Note: Maps are part of CloudServices Geocoding Utility.
    • If the Care Case's Latitude or Longitude are not available, the Household's address displays.
Household Information
An overview of the demographic information available for the Household associated with the Care Case.


From Care Case Details

  • Close the Care Case: Select close from the drop-down menu and confirm this selection. Sets the End Date field on the Care Case record.
  • Open a New Care Case: Select Add New Case from the drop-down menu. A new dialog box opens so you can provide all the details.
    • Household: Household of the currently open Care Case that should receive care.
    • Contact: Contact of the currently open Care Case who should be contacted.
    • Care Case Type: A drop-down list sourced from Care Cases > Care Case Types.
    • Start Date: Approximate date this Care Case began. Added by the user.
    • End Date: Approximate date this Care Case was resolved. (Not available when adding a new Care Case.)
    • Case manager: A list of Users who have either the Care Case Manager or Care Case Administrator security role available in the drop-down menu. Added by the user.
    • Description: An explanation of the Care Case. Added by the user.
    • Location: A drop-down list sourced from Facilities > Locations, from which to select where the in-person care should occur. If you don't select a location, care will occur in the Contact's home.
    • Program: Set based on the value in the CLOUDAPPS, DefaultCareProgramID configuration setting. (Not available when adding a new Care Case.)

From Care Log Entries

  • Close the Care Case: Select Close from the drop-down menu and confirm this selection. Sets End Date field on the Care Case record.
  • Open a New Care Case: Select Add New Case from the drop-down menu. A new dialog box opens so you can provide all the details.
  • Edit an Existing Care Log Entry: Tap the pencil to edit a current Care Log entry.

From Contact Information

  • Send an Email or Text Message: Tap the paper airplane icon to send an email or text message to anyone in the Household associated with the Care Case (if they have an email address or mobile phone number on their Contact record).
    • See Get Started with Care Life to make sure your church is set up for texting.
    • Messages are outbound only and are logged in the Platform.
    • You'll see a confirmation message after the email or text sends and a Household Care Log is created.