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Care Life Dashboard

After authentication, you'll land on the Care Life Dashboard, where you'll see a summary of all Care Cases, past and present. This at-a-glance summary of all Care Cases is the perfect place to get real-time information about how your people are being cared for.


Care Case Managers can see the following information for their cases. Care Case Administrators can see this information for just their cases, or they can select Show All at the top to see information about all Care Cases.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The dashboard includes dynamic tiles that show up-to-the-minute information. These counts, broken down by current status, include all open Care Cases and those that closed within the past two years. Click a status tile to display Care Cases with that status. You Security Roles determine the visible KPIs. Care Life Case Administrators can see KPIs for all Care Cases, while Care Life Case Managers only see KPIs for their Care Cases.
  • Active: Current Case Cases with a Household Care Log entry in the future.
  • New: Care Cases with a start date within the past 14 days and no future Household Care Log entries.
  • Needs Review: Care Cases where all entries are completed, but the Care Case has not been closed. Only users with the Care Case Administrator Role can review and close a Care Case.
  • Lapsed: Care Cases that are still open (not marked complete) and the Action date has passed.
  • Closed: Closed Care Cases with an end date within the past two years.
Care Case Summary
For each Care Case status, a summary of the Care Cases displays in chronological order, with the most recent case on top. A colored bar displays to the left of the Care Case. (The color is based on the Action Date of Household Care Logs assigned to the Care Case.)
  • Green: No immediate attention is required. Either new Care Cases or closed Care Cases.
  • Yellow: Care Cases that need some review. Usually indicates that all entries are complete, but the Care Case has not been closed.
  • Red: Lapsed Care Cases, AKA the Care Case is open and the care date has passed.

You'll also see:

  • The Last Name associated with the Case Case.
  • The Household's Congregation.
  • The Care Case type.
  • The date the Care Case was open.
  • The Care Case Manager's name and Congregation (if assigned).
  • The image associated with the Contact record displays, if available. But if it's not available, users see the Household image. No image? No problem; you just see a placeholder image.

Want to see all the Care Case details? Just click the Care Case.

An at-a-glance breakdown showing Care Cases completed today, within the past seven days, and within the past 30 days. Security Roles determine the visible statistics. Care Life Case Administrators see statistics for all Care Cases, while Care Life Case Managers see statistics for their Care Cases.


  • Type in the search box to search the current Care Case status category by Care Case name, Care Case type, or Care Case Manager.
    Tip: If you can't find the case you're looking for, confirm you selected the correct Care Case status (for example, Lapsed).
  • Add a new Care Case: Select Add New Care Case from the drop-down menu.
    Note: Only Care Case Administrators can add a new Care Case.
    • Start Date: The start date for the Care Case.
    • Care Case Type: Sourced from Care Cases > Care Case Types.
    • Household: Household receiving care. Empty Households and Households with only deceased members do not display in the search results.
    • Description: A short description (160 characters) of the care needed.
    • Location: Sourced from Facilities > Locations.
Tip: Need to notify a certain staff member that they need to assign or review Care Cases? Create a view notification to let them know when cases require their attention!