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Add a Guest During Check-In

Note: Select Preview, Check-In, or Print to add Guest records to the Platform.
  1. Start a Check-In Kiosk session in Attended mode.
  2. Search for the Guest multiple ways to ensure they are not already in the system. This is not required, but it is a best practice to avoid duplicate records in your system. If you find the Guest, check them in and possibly adding a "Show in Check-In" Other Household on their Contact record.
  3. Search for the family with another individual checking in.
  4. Click Add Guest.
  5. Enter the required information (see Add/Edit Family for details).
  6. Click Save.
    The Add Guest button changes to the Guest's name. The guest doesn't appear in the family list.
  7. Select the box for the existing family member.
  8. Click Preview or Check-In or Print.
    1. If you enable Show Preview, a preview appears for labels of both the existing individual and the guest.
    2. An Event Participant record adds to the event for the existing individual and the guest with the Participant Status of 03 Attended.
      Note: If you return to the family in Check-In, the guest displays in the results.