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Notes About Attributes

  • For an Attribute to print on a label, you must:
  • Each Attribute can have an icon that can print on the label to visually represent that Attribute. You can use icons from the Ico-Moon Free icon library or Font Awesome icon library. If you use Font Awesome, note that you can only use v. 5.14.0 in Solid (fas) or Regular (far).
  • To spread Attributes horizontally:
    • Enter the attribute name and note on the same line.
      • For example, [Attribute_Name] [Attribute_Note]
    • Adjust the repeat class max height.
      • For example, style="height:165px; max-height:165px;"
  • You can include any combination of the Attribute tokens on a label. For example, you could include Attribute Icon and Attribute Note to print an icon of a hospital symbol and a list of all medications. Or you could include the Attribute Icon to print just an icon of a puzzle piece to represent Autism without additional words or descriptions. However, the tokens you choose apply to all applicable Attributes.