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Note: When you design your labels, you'll see a preview of the label so you can review the populated content. This is a content preview, not a format preview. If you want to preview text formatting, print some test labels with various name lengths, group and event names, and attributes so you can see them in action. From the Check-In Kiosk, you can print to PDF or send to a label printer.

The following tokens are available for labels:

First Name [First_Name]
From the Contact's First Name field.
Last Name [Last_Name]
From the Contact's Last Name field.
Nickname [Nickname]
From the Contact's Nickname field.
Participant ID [Participant_ID]
From the ID of the Contact's Participant record.
Call Number [Call_Number]
From the Household's Family_Call_Number field. This value can be unique or the same per family based on the Call Number Type Configuration Setting. This value is mainly used by churches with a digital display at the front of their sanctuary to call children's parents.
Parents [Parents]
The First_Name (only) of the parents (Head Of Household) of the checked-in Participant's Household. The Participant might display in their primary Household or an Other Household if the Household Type is Non-Custodial Parent.
Parents Full Name [Parent_Full_Name]
The First_Name and Last_Name of the parents (Heads Of Household) of the checked-in Participant's Household. The Participant might display in their primary Household or an Other Household if the Household Type is Non-Custodial Parent.
Parent Mobile Phone [Parent_Mobile_Phone]
A comma-delimited list of the mobile phones of the parents (Heads Of Household) of the checked-in Participant's Household. The Participant might display in their primary Household or an Other Household if the Household Type is Non-Custodial Parent.
Date of Birth [Date_of_Birth]
From the Contact's Date_of_Birth field.
Care Note [Care_Note]
Content varies based on the content of the Care Note the Participant added when they checked in. If this token is on an applicable label, the Participant checking in can enter a Care Note before labels print.
Date [Date]
The local date based on the kiosk from which they checked in.
Time [Time]
The local time based on the kiosk from which they checked in.
ID Card [ID_Card]
The value from the Contact's ID Card field.
Security Code [Security_Code]
Varies as calculated by Check‐In. This value is uniquely generated by the system for each print job. However, it is the same for each label within each print job (for example, for a family who checks in three kids at the same time, all three kids have the same security code). The value printed is not stored in MinistryPlatform. This is the code that churches use for security primarily with children (for example, the parent's pick-up tag should match the child's name tag to release the child to the parent. If this token is present on an applicable label, the label is considered a "secure" label.

Repeating Tokens

A repeating token means that the system repeat the content of the token for each Event all on the same tag. For example, if you check into the Communion Setup Event and the Sunday 9 AM Worship Service Event at the same time, you receive one label set, but the tags list both Events, both Group Roles, and so on for any repeating tokens.

  • In the label editor, the repeating tokens display in a dotted box. Events are blue, Options are red, Attributes are green. The dotted boxes do not print on the label but are for the visual organization as you design the label.
  • Repeating Event tokens stack horizontally when printed on the tag. Repeating Attribute tokens display left to right when printed on the tag.
    Note: Repeating Tokens display at the end of your label. You may need to edit the source code to correctly position the Token.

The following repeating tokens are available for labels:


Event Title [Event_Title]
From the Event's Event_Title field.
Role Title [Role_Title]
From the Group Participant's Role_Title field. For this to show, you must associate the Group with the Event on the Rooms & Groups sub-page and the Participant must be in the Group.
Group Name [Group_Name]
From the Group's Group_Name field.
Room Name [Room_Name]
From the Room Name field of the Room checked into. For this to show, you must associate the Event with a Room on the Rooms & Groups sub-page.
Room Number [Room_Number]
From the Room Number field of the room checked into. For this to show, you must associate the Event with a Room on the Rooms & Groups sub-page.


Group Participant Notes [Group_Participant_Notes]
From the Group Participant's Group_Participant_Notes field.

Option: For these tokens to display, the Participant must register for the Event to create a related Invoice with Products and Options chosen. Typically, this would be through the Portal or the Add a Payment Tool.

Option Group [Option_Group]
From the Event Participant's Invoice Detail's Option Price's Option_Group field.
Option Title [Option_Title]
From the Event Participant's Invoice Detail's Option Price's Option_Title field.
Option Quantity [Option_Qty]
From the Event Participant's Invoice Detail's Item_Quantity field.
Option Note [Option_Note]
From the Event Participant's Invoice Detail's Item_Note field.

Attribute: For these tokens to show, you must assign the Attribute to the Participant and the Attribute must have an Attribute Type of Personal Characteristics.

Attribute Name [Attribute_Name]
From the Contact Attribute's Attribute field.
Attribute Icon [Attribute_Icon]
From the Attribute's Icon field.
Attribute Note [Attribute_Note]
From the Contact Attribute's Notes field.