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Import a ParishSoft Batch

Important: With the Batch Manager Tool, you can import more than 1,000 records at a time, but the tool only shows you 1,000 records at a time. Because the balance calculates based on the displayed records, not imported records, your calculations will be incorrect. Be sure to limit your imports to 1,000 records or fewer.
  1. Go to Batch > Import.
  2. In the import dialog, click to browse and locate the ParishSoft CSV file.
  3. Create a Batch Name. The default is "Imported". The number of Items (Donations) in the Batch automatically calculate during import.
  4. Associate this Batch with the appropriate Congregation or Parish.
  5. Choose a Default Program.
    1. Any Donation with a Fund ID matching a Program's Account Number automatically matches. Any Donation missing a Fund ID or with a Fund ID which doesn't match a Program is assigned this Default Program. Any additional Donations added to the Batch after import are also assigned this Default Program.
  6. Choose the appropriate Payment Type.
  7. The currently authenticated User prepopulates as the Batch Operator. If another User will be responsible for this Batch after import, assigned them the Batch.
  8. Select Batch > Save Selected Batches.
  9. Open the Batch and process as usual.
    Note: Any changes made after import only impact data in MinistryPlatform. They do not change what you recorded, transacted, or reported in your external application.