Integration Setup
A SPoC can complete this one-time initial setup with Twilio to enable text messages from MinistryPlatform.
- You must have an account with Twilio to configure this integration.
- Make sure you've completed the milestones for the Twilio onboarding process.
- Update your Domain record in the Platform.
- Go to System Setup > Domains/Accounts, and open your Domain record.
- Click Edit Record, and scroll down to the SMS Configuration section.
- For SMS Server Username, enter your Twilio Account SID. You can find this on your Twilio dashboard under Account Info or on your account under API Keys & Tokens.
- For SMS Server Password, enter your Twilio Twilio Auth Token. You can find this on your Twilio dashboard under Account Info or on your account under API Keys & Tokens.
- For SMS Server Callback Secret, generate a new GUID and paste it in this field.Tip: We recommend using a GUID Generator to generate a random value.
- You may not want MinistryPlatform to send any texts for account verification, password recovery, one-time code logins, and multi-factor authentication. To disable texting for account management (without affecting texts sent from the New Message Tool and other areas of the Platform), set Disable SMS for Account Management to Yes. Otherwise, keep it set to No.
- You can set a curfew timeframe during which text messages do not send. If you've ever scheduled a group text to go out at 4 AM instead of 4 PM, you know why this can be useful! For Message Curfew Start Time, enter the time after which you don't want text messages to send in the Domain timezone. For Message Curfew End Time, enter the time before which you don't want text messages to send in the Domain timezone Make sure you clear your cache in the About section so these settings can take effect.Message Curfew Start Time: 9 PM, Message Curfew End Time: 7 AMNote: If you try to send or schedule a message during the curfew, you'll receive a warning. You can still send the message if you need to. For example, a youth group is returning from a trip later than expected and you need to contact parents outside of the standard messaging hours.
- Add Outbound SMS Numbers to the Platform. You must create one record for each active phone number on your Twilio account.
- Go to Communications > Outbound SMS Numbers.
- Click New Outbound SMS Number.
- For Number Title, enter a friendly name to describe this phone number. This displays in the New Message Tool so senders know which number they're sending from.
- For SMS Number, enter the phone number or short code used to send the SMS message.
- Set Active to Yes for current numbers. The texting option won't display in the New Message Tool until you add and activate at least one Outbound SMS Number.
- If this is a primary SMS number, set Default to Yes. The default number displays preselected in the New Message Tool as the From SMS Number value. This is the number that all automated texts come from.
- To limit this number to specific user group, select a user group to limit. People in the selected user group can use the number in the New Message Tool.A church may want to specify a number for the Children's Ministry and ensure that only people in that user group can send a text from that number. A diocese may want to specify a number for each parish to use and set up all of the members in each parish in different user groups.Important: If all of your SMS numbers are associated with a user group, people must be in one of those user groups to send text messages. If they are not in a user group that can text, they will not see the option to send a text in the New Message Tool.
- Click Save.
- To track which groups will use this number for texting, you can add them on the Groups tab of the Outbound SMS Number record.
- Update the Mass Text Quota for the appropriate security roles and user groups.Note: If your Mass Text Quota field is zero or left blank, they won't see the text option in the New Message Tool. When MinistryPlatform is first installed, this field is set to zero for all security roles. Be sure to set it if you want people to see the option for texting.
- Go to Administration > Security Roles.
- Add a new role or open an existing one.
- For Mass Text Quota, enter the maximum number of text messages a person with this role can send at one time.
- If you use Classroom Manager and want to send text messages through the Notify Front Desk button, you'll need to complete a few more steps.
- Go to Administration > Configuration Settings.
- Update the following CORETOOLS Configuration Settings based on your Twilio account. Make sure you have no trailing spaces in the values.
- CORETOOLS, TwilioSID: The Account SID (not the App SID). You can find this value in your Twilio Dashboard.
- CORETOOLS, TwilioTOKEN: The authorization token. You can find this value in your Twilio Dashboard.
- CORETOOLS, TwilioSMSNUMBER: Your SMS numbers (input numbers only. This is the "From" SMS Number).
- Update the following COMMON Configuration Settings based on your Twilio account. Make sure you have no trailing spaces in the values.
- COMMON, TwilioSID: The Account SID (not the App SID). You can find this value in your Twilio Dashboard.
- COMMON, TwilioToken: The authorization token. You can find this value in your Twilio Dashboard.
- COMMON, TwilioSMSNumber: Your SMS numbers (input numbers only. This is the "From" SMS Number).
- If you use PocketPlatform, you'll need to contact Support or the PocketPlatform team member who is helping you. To complete the integration, they need the following information: your Twilio Account SID, your Twilio Auth Token, and your outbound number.
Once you enable your Twilio integration, you can send text messages from the Platform using the New Message Tool!