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Create Your Twilio Account

  1. Go to Twilio.com.
  2. Click Start for free.
  3. Complete the fields on the sign-up page. Be sure to select the Verify you are human check box and the Twilio Terms of Service check box.
  4. Click Continue.
    You'll receive a verification email.
  5. Open the verification email you received. It should have a verification code in it. Copy that code.
  6. Back in Twilio, enter the verification code in the corresponding code field on the email verification screen, and click Verify.
  7. On the phone verification screen, select your country and enter your phone number.
    • Click Send code via SMS to receive a verification code through text message.
    • Click Send code via voice call to receive a verification code through a phone call.
  8. Once you verify your phone number, you should see a recovery code. Copy the recovery code and save it somewhere safe and accessible. You'll use this code if you ever need to recover your account.
  9. Click Continue.
    Note: You may need to reverify your phone number. If so, just repeat these steps.
You've created your Twilio account! Now you need to set it up for your church's specific needs.
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