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Add a Webhook for Inbound Messages

Using a webhook, you can display inbound texts from your Twilio account in the Platform.

  • You must have a configured Twilio account. Fees apply for inbound messages.
From your Twilio account, you can configure a messaging webhook for each active phone number. This optional feature is only for informational purposes. You can see replies from text messages the Platform sent, but you can’t respond to their reply. It is not a two-way texting feature.

This webhook also allows the Platform to automatically update the Do Not Text field on Contact records when they opt out or opt in by replying to a message.

Note: You can work with Twilio to set up an auto-response to send when people reply to texts sent through the New Message Tool. You can also work with a third party to create a custom web service for something more custom, like forwarding the message onto another number or auto-respond based on various criteria. For more on auto-responses, see the Twilio article Set up an SMS Auto-Response with Twilio Studio. You can also reach out to Twilio Support for assistance.
  1. Log in to your Twilio account.
  2. Go to Phone Numbers > Manage Numbers.
  3. Under Active Numbers, select the number.
  4. In the Messaging section, set the following:
    1. Set Configure With to Webhooks.
    2. For A Message Comes In, select Webhook.
    3. Enter the webhook formula, which is your MinistryPlatform Base URL + /ministryplatformapi/callback/twilio/ + your SMS Server Callback Secret GUID (from your Domain record).
      https://{your platform domain}/ministryplatformapi/callback/twilio/a1b234cd-e567-8f90-1gh2-34ijklmn5o67
    4. In the last drop-down list, select HTTP POST.

      The webhook screen in Twilio

When you receive an incoming text, it creates a record under Communications > Inbound Messages. This record includes:
  • Time received
  • Message To number
  • Message From number
  • Message Text, up to 1,600 characters - the Twilio limit
  • Emojis are accepted (but do affect cost)
  • Images and GIFs (these display as files attached to the Inbound Message record)
    Note: You can receive images with or without text.
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