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Milestone 1: Set Up Your Twilio Account

When you sign up for a Twilio account, you become the owner of your organization. Twilio owners can complete various administrative tasks, like create projects, invite other Twilio users, assign roles to those users, and select basic account settings. Follow these steps to complete your account setup. For more information, you can see this Twilio article.
Note: Diocesan SPoCs: You only need once account, and each of your parishes can have their own SMS Outbound Number.
  1. In your Twilio account, go to Manage Accounts.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication.
    1. Go to User Settings.
      A verification code required for access dialog box displays. Twilio will send a verification code to the email you used to create your account.
    2. Enter the verification code from the verification email you received into the corresponding field in Twilio, and click Verify.
    3. Click Set up 2FA.
    4. Enter the phone number you want to use to verify your account, and click Send code via SMS. You will only need to do this once to set up your account for two-factor authentication.
    5. Store your emergency recovery code somewhere safe.
      Important: Your recovery code is important; it allows you to log in to your account in the event you lose your phone. You are the only one with access to this recovery code. We highly recommend storing your recovery code somewhere safe with a secure password manager software.
    6. Click Finish.
  3. Invite users with different roles and permissions to your account.
    1. Go to Twilio Admin > Accounts.
    2. Click the name of the account you’re managing.
    3. Click the Users tab.
    4. Click Invite User.
    5. In the Invite User to Account dialog box, enter the email address of the person you want to invite.
    6. Select their role:
      • Administrator: They can manage the account, including adding more users.
      • Billing Manager: They can only access pages in the Twilio Console related to account billing.
      • Developer: They have access to the account’s development resources, for example, they can add phone numbers and API credentials - but they can’t manage the account.
      • Support: They can only access the logs and usage.
      Note: You can assign the person more than one role. Because the Administrator role covers everything the other roles can do, if you select the Administrator role, Twilio will automatically deselect other roles you selected.
    7. Click Submit.
      If the person you invited is already part of your Twilio Organization, they will receive access to the selected account according to the role you selected. If they aren’t part of the Organization yet, they will receive an invitation email so they can create an account.
  4. Determine which users should receive various alerts.
    1. Go to Notification Preferences.
    2. In line with the corresponding notification, select a roll from the Add Roll drop-down list.
      Now users belonging to the user role you selected will receive this type of notification.
  5. Review the payment process. You can also update billing information, if necessary.
    1. To update your billing information, go to Billing > Payment Settings.
    2. Click Add a payment method and enter your payment method information.

      To enter credit card information:

      • Enter your credit card details on the Credit Card tab.
      • Click Add card.

      To enter Paypal information:

      • Click the Paypal tab.
      • Link your Paypal account.
      • Click Add Paypal.
  6. Determine if you organization would benefit from a Twilio Edition, which enhance your data, security, and audit abilities.
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