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Pledge Campaigns

If an event is set up for donations, Go Method assigns a pledge record to the pledge campaign. Go Method creates a pledge campaign in MinistryPlatform when the event is created in Go Method.

Depending on the rules set on the event in Go Method, one of three pledge statuses is assigned.

  • Pending - The individual has applied but has not been accepted to the event yet.
  • Active - The individual is active on the event by being accepted or added to the event.
  • Discontinued - If the individual's application was removed from the event or the applicant was rejected.

Pledge Campaign Mapping

Values or field names are slightly different between various software products. This table indicates how MinistryPlatform pledge campaign fields correspond to Go Method data fields.

MinistryPlatform FieldsGo Method Values
Campaign NameEvent Name (first 40 characters)
Campaign Type The MP Configuration Setting Value for 'MissionTripCampaignID'
DescriptionDescription (first 450 characters)
Campaign GoalMaximumHeadCount x Event Price
Start DateDate the event was created in Go Method
End Date30 days after Travel end Date
Fundraising GoalMaximumHeadCount x Event Price
Registration DepositEvent Initial Deposit

Pledge Status Mapping

Values or field names are slightly different between various software products. This table indicates how pledge statuses are defined between MinistryPlatform and Go Method.

MinistryPlatform ValueGo Method Value
DonorDonor Record found or created from Go Method
Pledge StatusDepending on the rules set on the event in Go Method, added pledges are one of three statuses:
  • Pending - The individual applied but has not been accepted to the event.
  • Active - The individual is actively on the event either because he/she was accepted or added to the event.
  • Discontinued - The individual was once on an event but is now removed or the applicant was rejected.
NotesNotes are created if Go Method and MinistryPlatform settings are configured to add notes.
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