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March 12, 2024

These enhancements or updates were released on or before March 12, 2024.

Go Method's Admin Dashboard

Introducing a new admin-focused dashboard for quick access to important areas without excessive scrolling.

What you'll see on the dashboard when you log in:
  • Applicants who need your attention – Applicants requiring your attention due to recent activity are either ready for approval or halted by a pre-approval process. Select Show all applicants to navigate to the My Applicants page. On this page, you can view applicants with Pending Background Checks and those Ready for Review.
  • Events – View events that are active and require your attention, including those in setup, leaving within the next month, or ended but not yet archived. Use the search bar to find events by name or ID.
  • My involvement – See where you're participating, leading, or acting as a guardian. Select Show all events to navigate to the My Events page. This page provides a consolidated view of all your events. It also allows you to check for any pending requests and applications.
  • A summary of active participants, active events, event requests, and recent donations for all of your events. The information that displays varies based on your role and current event activity.