December 6, 2024
These enhancements or updates were released on or before December 6, 2024.
Organization Accounts
There's a new feature to help you manage your credit balance. Now you can Set Up Auto Reload in Go Method from the Billing page. When you establish a specific amount for automatic reloading, additional credits are purchased automatically whenever your balance falls below that amount.
There's a new permission to make billing changes. When you assign the manage billing permission to admins, they can:
Purchase trip and document credits.
- Set up the document credits auto reload feature.
- Manage payment methods.
With this permission, admins cannot:
Cancel an account.
Apply coupons or discounts after creating an invoice. To do this, click Add Coupon or Discount on the invoice.
Change team member type pricing on invoices. You can change team member type pricing for all members on an invoice.
Change team member types on invoices. You can select certain members on an invoice and change their member type. When you change an individual's member type, you have the option to update the price of their new member type.