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Adding a Fund Code

You can add a fund code for year-end.

If your pledge campaign is not a recurring one, such as the annual budget, the first step in entering pledges is to set up the pledge fund. Give the fund a unique name so that contributions for this pledge are kept separate from other pledge funds in ACS.
  1. Under Advanced Tools, click the Settings tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Add/Edit Funds and click Go .
  3. Click Add.
  4. Enter a Fund Code or click Next to display the next available fund code.
  5. Enter a Fund Description.
  6. Optional: For multi-campus sites, in the Campus drop-down list, select the campus the fund code applies to, if it is campus specific. If several campuses use the fund code, do not select a campus.
  7. If you are interfacing with the ACS General Ledger, select a Checking account, Offset account, and any Optional Accounts for this fund to post to.
    Note: You must select optional accounts in pairs. For example, if you select an account for No Pledge - Checking, you must also select an account for No Pledge - Offset.
  8. If you are not interfacing with the ACS General Ledger, enter Checking and Offset accounts if you have set them up in Contributions.
  9. Optional: Enter any additional information concerning the current Fund Code in the Comment field.
  10. Select whether to allow this fund to track Arrears payments or use Giving Plans. These options are only available if selected in Setup.
  11. If applicable, enter an Alternate Code and select a Default Project Code.
  12. To send this fund to Abundant for electronic giving, select Allow in Abundant.
  13. Click OK.
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