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Printing Forms W-2

You can print Forms W-2 for year-end.

ACS offers a two-up W-2 Statement and a four-up W-2 Statement. You can use the two-up W-2 Statement to print employer Copy A (federal, red scannable), Copy D (file), and Copy 1 (state/local) forms. You can use the four-up W-2 Statement to print employee Copy B (federal), Copy C (file), and Copy 2 (state/local) on one four-up quadrant-style perforated sheet. You can also print statements on a blank form.

In addition, you can select the number of copies you want to print. Copies refers to the number of Forms W-2 per employee for each set of Forms W-2 you need to print. For example, if you are using laser 2-Up Statements in six parts and your copies are collated by copies A, B, C, and D for each employee, set the number of copies to 6. If your copies are not collated or you are printing two-part forms, leave the number of copies set to 1 and print the Forms W-2 in batches, one batch for each copy that you need. After printing all batches, separate and collate the batches manually by employee.

You can also use the Adjust 2nd W-2 option to increase or decrease the spacing between the first and second Form W-2 on the 2-Up Statements. Increase the spacing to move the printing of the second W-2 down on the page. Decrease the spacing to move the printing of the second W-2 up on the page.

Note: We recommend printing your Forms W-2 on plain paper first to check the alignment of the printer and make the necessary adjustments to the settings. You can also verify that each employee's totals are correct and that your Form W-3 total matches the fourth-quarter Form 941.
If you need to correct a previously filed Form W-2, you must file form W-2c. You can also print electronically filed tax forms.
  1. Under Generate Reports, click the Period End Reports tab.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Payroll 941, W-2s, and ACA Forms and click Go .
  3. On the W-2 tab, select the Report Type in the drop-down list.
    • 2-up Statement — Prints two employees per page.
    • 4-up Statement — Prints one employee per page, on a pre-printed form.
    • 4-up Statement Blank Paper — Prints one employee per page, on a blank form.
  4. Select the Year.
  5. Verify your organization's Federal Tax ID and State Tax ID numbers. If necessary, enter the tax ID numbers.
  6. To print W-2s for multiple states, select Multiple States. Then, click Tax IDs to enter state tax IDs for the states you want to print.
  7. Under Copies, select the number of copies you want to print.
    Note: If a state without a Tax ID is printed on an employee's W-2, an error message displays and lists the states that are missing tax IDs.
  8. Optional: To increase or decrease the space between the first and second Form W-2 on a page, enter a number in the Adjust 2nd W-2 field. This option is available with both the 2-up Statement and the 4-up Statement.
  9. Optional: If you do not want to print a summary page, clear the Print Summary Page? check box.
  10. Optional: If you want to filter employees by departments, select Department, and click Select.
  11. Optional: If you want to filter by specific employees, select Employees, and click Select.
  12. Optional: Under Employee Name Range, use the From and To fields to select which W-2s to print.
    • To print for one employee, enter the employee's name in both the From and To fields.
    • To start printing forms beginning with a specific employee, enter the employee's name in the From field and leave the To field blank.
    • To print for a range of employees, enter the beginning name in the From field and the ending name in the To field.
    • To print for all employees, leave both the From and the To fields blank.
  13. Click OK to continue.
  14. To preview the form before printing, click Preview. Click Print to send it to the printer without previewing.
  15. To electronically file Form W-2, click Tax E-File.
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