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Printing Reports and Closing Payroll Batches

Print reports before closing out the current payroll batches.

After performing year-end procedures in Payroll, you should print several reports, close the current payroll batch, and back up your financial data.

Before closing the month in Payroll, ACS Technologies recommends that you print the following reports for your records:

  • Void Check Report
  • W-2 Adjustments Report

These reports provide an audit trail for entries made to employees' pay records.

If you use batches to post transactions in General Ledger, you must close the current batch in Payroll. This is important for record keeping and provides an accurate audit trail.

  1. Under Manage Records, click the Transactions tab.
  2. Select General Ledger Transactions in the drop-down list and click Go .
  3. Click Posting Journal.
  4. In the Module drop-down list, select Payroll.
  5. Click Close Batch.
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